
Welcome to GDES 140, Introduction to Animation

Showcase of work for GDES 140, Introduction to Animation. Visit the 140 Vimeo Channel here: https://vimeo.com/channels/gdes140

This class is a safe space, a community of learners, this class belongs to you.

In this virtual classroom, a non-judgmental environment, your Professor strives to maximize student engagement and opportunity.

This course is designed to allow every student a voice, to feel heard and respected, to recognize their value as a scholar regardless of background or experience. Your words, your ideas are important.

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Montgomery College is a welcoming institution that is proud to represent more than 135 countries, students of all ages and backgrounds. As a community, we are committed to diversity, inclusion, and equity in education. At Montgomery College, we aspire to be JEDIs in our treatment of students, committed to:


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This class runs from 06/06/22 through 08/14/22


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An introduction to 2-D animation. Topics include a brief history of animation, principles of 2-D animation, use of storyboards, 2-D animation techniques, and the employment market and business practices. PREREQUISITE(S): None. Digital Animation majors should take GDES 134 concurrently, or prior to taking this course. Two hours lecture, four hours laboratory each week. Formerly GD 140.


Blackboard Course Website

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  • Select Blackboard
  • Select Our Class Section


  • Discuss and employ basic principles of animation.
  • Discuss business practices and process in the animation industry.
  • Employ sequential images to design a storyboard.
  • Identify basic animation techniques.
  • Identify key movements and innovations in the history of animation.
  • Demonstrate basic animation techniques.
  • Design characters in preparation for animation.


Login to Blackboard Course Site for additional assignment details.

Character Face Designs

25 points | Due 06/13/22

Ball Animation Exercise

25 points | Due 06/22/22

Stop-Motion Animation

100 points | Due 06/24/22

Storyboard Practice

50 points | Due 06/27/22

Story & Story Board

100 points | Due 07/06/22

Blinks & Dialogue

50 points | Due 07/11/22

Character Walk Cycle

100 points | Due 07/18/22

Final Animation

100 points | Due 08/08/22


50 points

*Participation points are earned through contribution to online class discussions and/or individual meetings with Professor Hubley. Students required to meet with Professor Hubley at least one time during the semester, this can be at any one of the following:

  • Attend Zoom Office Hours (Zoom details available via Blackboard)
  • Attend Scheduled Zoom Q&A Session (listed below, Zoom details available via Blackboard)
  • Schedule and Attend Individual Zoom Appointment

Live Q&A Sessions (Optional) held on a variety of dates and times via Zoom for collaboration. Zoom Session Details provided via Blackboard.

  • Wednesday 6/22 12-1pm via Zoom
  • Additional Sesssions TBD
  • Have Questions and none of these times work for you? Email katherine.hubley@montgomerycollege.edu to schedule an individual appointment at a time that works for your schedule.


Grading Scale:

To calculate your grade, divide your points earned by points possible. Points earned are entered on Blackboard Grade center.

A 90   B 80   C 70   D 60   F 0-59


May change due to overall class progress or advances in technology/emerging standards.

Unit 1: Tricking the eye: the illusion of movement in animation.

Animation Basics: Squash and Stretch, Arcs of Motion and Key Framing; Examples of course assignments

Unit 2: Understanding Spacing and Timing

Examine extremes (key frames), and in-betweens for animation

Unit 3: The In-between in Relation to Movement & Timing

Slow-in; slow-out; The Settle; Examination of Both Commercial and Independent Animated Works; Suspension of Disbelief

Unit 4: Animating weight, emotion, and environment

Animating/Implying Weight, Story (story arcs), Character Design and Development, Creating Personality/Showing Emotion Through Action; Introduction to key character expressions and movements such as dialogue and walk cycle

Unit 5: Framing: Shot composition

The Camera in animation; Framing/Composition for Shots; Pre-Visualization Techniques for Animation

Unit 6: Shot breakdown (types of shots), storyboarding fundamentals

Observe Common/Shared Elements Between Film and Animation, Types of Shots, Fundamentals of Editing in Animation (organizing shots and cuts for effective storytelling), Storyboarding

Unit 7: Combining Techniques

Digital Animation Techniques, Mixing Mediums/techniques, Working with Timelines

Unit 8: Creating/Preparing Artwork for Animation

Digital and Traditional Techniques for Creating Source Artwork, Organizing and Preparing Artwork for Animation, Discuss Drawing and Preparing Characters/Environments in Both a Tactile and Digital Space

Unit 9: Character Development & Research; Walk Cycle Finalization

Research for Developing Story/Ideas; creating character walk cycles

Unit 10: Storyboard to Motion: Setting up scenes for final project

Set up and planning scenes for your final animations

Unit 11: Rigging Characters

Creating a layered, comprehensive and effective character rigs as an approach to preparing our characters for animation

Unit 12: Backgrounds & Typography

Managing assets; Working with moving type & creating titles for animation

Unit 13: Adding music / sound effects

Adding sound to the timeline and matching that sound to visual events

Unit 14: Editing

Lengthening, shortening, adding, removing scenes and frames, so that it best supports the story’s narrative.

Unit 15: Final Projects

Presentations of final animation projects and class discussion.


Read Additional Syllabus Information:


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